
Indications and Therapeutic Goals of Obesity Treatment

Depending on the BMI, the body fat distribution, existing secondary diseases of overweight, risk factors and patient wishes, the indication can be provided for treatment.

The current German guideline "Prevention and therapy of obesity" recommends this treatment:

  1. BMI from 30 kg/m² or
  2. BMI between 25 and < 30 kg/m² and simultaneous presence of
  • obesity-related health disorders (e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus type 2) or
  • visceral obesity or
  • diseases aggravated by obesity or
  • a high level of psychological strain



Therapy goals

The aim of the therapy is a sustainable weight reduction as well as the prevention or improvement of already existing secondary diseases of obesity. Since obesity is usually due to over-nutrition and lack of exercise, the basic therapy of obesity is based on diet, exercise and behavioural therapy. 

In the first phase of treatment, the focus is on weight loss, in the second phase on long-term weight stabilization. For a BMI of 25-35 kg/m², a weight reduction of > 5 % of the initial weight should be targeted within one year, for a BMI > 35 kg/m² by > 10 %.

Bilbiography sources:

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